Connect+: The most effective way to reach your customers and advertise

The customer relationship tool to engage automatically with your solar customers! Effortlessly send engaging emails monthly to your customer portfolio and potentially generate leads. - 377% more effective than your newsletter.

This is Connect+

Email advertisements

Solar Monkey Connect+ EN Heat pump AD

Easily create ads for your non-PV products, referral programs, service contracts, or PV extensions using our fast AI or professionals.

Email yield reports

Solar Monkey Connect+ EN report

Your ads are shown in branded yield reports that land directly in your customers’ email inboxes each month.

Customer engagement

Solar Monkey Connect+ EN email

Customers interested in your advertisement share their details, becoming leads you can follow up on. We also capture the emails of those who click the advertisement, allowing you to follow up proactively.

Connect+ benefits

  • You are the only party with the lead
  • High conversion with a healthy margin
  • Every month, highly relevant content
  • Open rates of 60% – 97% 
  • 9% – 18% click-through rates
  • Almost no time investment

Buy leads and marketing

  • Multiple installers targeting the same lead
  • Low conversion with competition on price
  • A real challenge to write monthly engaging newsletters
  • Open rates of 15% – 25%
  • 2,5 – 5% click-through rates
  • Time-consuming process to generate engaging content

Connect+ helps you…

Connect+ is accessible to all installers, even to those who don’t use the Solar Monkey sales and design product.

1Sell heat pumps

Sell heat pumps

Promote your heat pumps to your solar customers and capture their interest. In Belgium we convert on average for every 1.000 consumers, 4 into battery leads. You can also advertise batteries, energy contracts, charging points, service contracts, or other products.

Solar Monkey Connect+ EN Heatpump block
2Sell (smart) batteries

Sell (smart) batteries

Promote your (smart) batteries to your solar customers and capture their interest. In the Netherlands, for every 1,000 consumers, we convert 26 into battery leads. You can also advertise energy contracts, charging points, heat pumps, service contracts, or other products.

Solar Monkey Connect+ Battery Block
3Collect customer reviews

Collect customer reviews

Email yield reports enhance your service level by informing your clients about their post-sale installation. This creates an excellent opportunity to ask for a review.

Solar Monkey Connect+ EN Rate Block
4Collect referrals

Collect referrals

Encourage customers to refer friends, neighbours, or family to purchase your solar installation. In return, they receive a coupon, and the referral gets a nice discount. Referral programs are an excellent way to grow your business!

Solar Monkey Connect+ EN Refer Block
Solar Monkey ConnectPlus EN Email

340% better performance

Our email yield reports are tailored to each client, keeping them engaged month after month. Connect achieves impressive opening rates of 56% – 99% and fantastic click-through rates of 11% – 21%.

As the ‘Rule of 7’ proves, repeating your message is key to making your customers purchase your products. The click rate is remarkably high with monthly emails that maintain customer engagement.

The best-converting ads

Crafting compelling, concise, and engaging advertisements is a form of art. Optimise your advertisements with our super intelligent AI, or let our professional copywriters create impactful messages for you.

Solar Monkey Connect+ EN Connect screen

How does Connect+ work?


Solar Monkey Connect+ how it works EN upload

Import your contacts and share your inverter portal credentials or API keys. Installations not matched to your customer contact information must be manually linked to you.

Ad creation

Solar Monkey Connect+ EN Optimize AI

Write your ads and enhance them with our AI tool, Connect+, or let our professionals craft your content with Connect+ Pro.

Valuable Customer engagement

Solar Monkey Connect+ EN Dashboard

Your customers will receive highly valued yield reports in their email boxes monthly. Generated leads and the emails of those who clicked on the ads are directly shared with you. You can view and compare performance metrics on your dashboard.

Connect+ pricing

Choose between two versions of Connect+ based on whether you prefer to handle tasks yourself or have us do the work for you.

In either case, Connect+ is a profitable investment if you generate at least one deal a month.

Take their word for it

Sign up now for Connect+

Express your interest in Connect+ by signing up today. Registering provides you with a queue number that determines your order on a first-come, first-serve basis, with no binding effects. Act quickly to be among the first in line. Complete the form below to secure your spot!

Frequently asked questions

I’m not a Solar Monkey customer; can I still use Connect+?

Yes, Connect+ is available to any business that has sold solar installations, regardless of whether you are a Solar Monkey sales and design product customer.

Are we allowed by GDPR to email all customers?

Yes, Connect+ is a service product that communicates information about customers’ purchased products. An opt-in is not required, but we do offer customers the option to opt-out.

How is the monthly pricing determined?

Monthly pricing is determined by two key factors: the number of contacts and the chosen package (Connect+ or Connect+ Pro). As you expand your solar installations, your base contact count will increase accordingly.

For instance, if you select the Connect+ Pro package and currently have 981 contacts, your monthly investment would be €358. However, should your contact list surpass 999, for example, reaching 1002 contacts, your investment will adjust accordingly to €488.

What does the configuration entail exactly?

The configuration process involves several steps:
Integration with Inverter Brands: We retrieve yield data from the inverter brands you install to generate reports. This data is collected via APIs. You’ll need to provide API details for each brand. We offer a step-by-step walkthrough to assist you in gathering the necessary information per brand.

Customer Contact Information: While some inverter brands share customer information through their APIs, others do not. Therefore, you’re required to upload a complete list of your customers, including their full names, addresses, and email addresses.

Linking Installations to Customer Data: We’ll attempt to link installations to your customer data sheet automatically. However, the feasibility of this process largely depends on how installations are named in the monitoring portals. Our user-friendly interface facilitates the manual linking of any remaining installations.

What is the duration of the subscription?

Your subscription initially lasts for six months. After this period, you can cancel it monthly.